Establishing forward momentum

I have a plan for the next 11 weeks, one that will take me up to the NYRR Club Championships in early August. I’ll be doing 10K race training even though the club champs distance is 5 miles. Close enough. It’s interesting stuff: lots of track work, longer repeats, hill repeats. Repeats, repeats, repeats. Run, rinse, and repeat. Plus a little tempo work. And only two runs over 10 miles. That’s gonna feel a little weird. I’ll recommit to doing weight work at least once a week, preferably twice.

I’ve slotted in several races along the way: the Mini 10K next month; a 4 mile cross-country relay race (2 miles each) in Van Cortlandt Park in early July, for which I hope to enlist Jonathan as my partner; the Central Park 4 Miler about a week after that; and then goal race — Club Champs! Where I busted my pelvis in two a year ago! — two weeks after that.

Then I’ll do 6 weeks of mile-specific training for the Fifth Ave Mile. Then another 10 week cycle of 10K training for the Joe Kleinerman race in early December. I’ll find some shorter races up in my neck of the woods to do during October and November. And, finally, six weeks of 5K training for the El Paso 5K in Houston over Olympic Trials weekend in January.



I am excited to get started tomorrow.

Now, as I prepare to interview tomorrow morning for a rather intensive 2+ month freelance engagement, much of it onsite in Manhattan, I find myself wondering how I will fit the training in. But I take heart: I’ll be running around 40 mpw most weeks, and that’s with 1 rest day every week. I should be able to fit it all in between getting up early or using the treadmill in the evenings. And, if I don’t get the gig then I’ll have plenty of time for training. It’s a win-win either way.