“I think you need to stop making plans.”

This is what Jonathan said to me about a week ago. I was sick, still feeling like a half-crippled rhino when I did make attempts to run, and reviewing a list of unappealing, far-flung marathons in April.

That fellow gives good advice sometimes. I’m listening to him, for once. I’ve got no marathon plans whatsoever. I need to be able to run “like everybody else” again (in the words of Special K*) before I can think about that.

Who knows what the spring holds? I can’t afford to care too much. As for the fall, I may want to run Chicago. Or I may not. It all depends. But there will be no plans for the time being. It’s just going to be day by day.

*Thanks to all who offered kind words on that article and about both Sandra and Khalid.