The other side of the groin

I’ve learned a little about groin pulls this week. For one, I have a mild case. I trace it back to the half marathon in Central Park 11 days ago. A day or two after the race, I noticed a sharp pain in my inner right thigh whenever I lifted my leg, stepped sideways or went up or down stairs. (There go my hopes for a fabulous career in country step dancing.) Interestingly, it didn’t hurt while running. So I kept running.

It would get a little better after a recovery day, then I’d do a hard session (either a long run or faster intervals or tempo work) and the pain would be back the next day. On Kevin’s advice*, I skipped the 400m intervals I was scheduled to do today (and just did a 10 mile aerobic run), even though it was a lot better this morning. But the idea was not to irritate it again. And it is better still this evening.

In my web trawlings, I learned that exercising in extreme cold can cause it, which might explain why it’s never cropped up before despite lots of racing in Central Park in the past year or two. It was five degrees (windchill) that day, so it was bloody cold out there. I also learned that ice is recommended, although people find success with heat just before exercising. Before my 10 miler, I squeezed a hot water bottle between my thighs like an aggressive convention hooker this morning — and darned if that didn’t help quite a bit! Much more pleasant than ice too.

I’ll be doing a fast 20K run over a hilly course in Connecticut this weekend. I hope it’s better by then. At least I know it won’t be worse.

*Or, rather, upon my cajoling him into granting me a “get out of intervals free” card.

14 Responses

  1. Heat before running, ice afterwards?

  2. That’s awful, trying to train and heal at the same time.

  3. Ouchies!! Feel better!! 😀

    (ps, loooooove the blog, it has been a big inspiration for me and mine.)

  4. […] 5, 2009 in Running, elbow I see that Julie has encountered one of those aches that seem inevitable (although I don’t know if they are), […]

  5. Groin strains are worth treating with care (that’s what all the football players tell me). Having said that, I’m surprised Kevin didn’t say “start the 400s, but stop if there’s any pain”. Don’t use up too many of those “get out of intervals free” cards or you won’t get to pass “Go”.

  6. The cold and running is not nice.One year ago i groin pulls!..I run 2 marathons whitt groin pulls and that was not clever and must stop running for 2 month and have thigh exercises!.
    Look out and it is beter to have same quiet training to see what is happends.
    Good luck whit the 20km.

  7. “like an aggressive convention hooker”, lol you know this was the high point of your entry for me, fine writer that you are. 🙂

    Man, that sucks about the groin pull, they can stick around I’ve heard, so baby the crap out of it. Looks like there’s warmer weather set for the weekend so that should make your 20k more comfortable.

    Sending you many, many healing vibes across the interwebs.

  8. Sorry about to hear about the groin pull. Those do suck! I hope you heal soon and Good luck with your 20k this weekend!

  9. Thanks for all the well-wishing. My groin, um, appreciates it. There’s no way to say that without it sounding odd.

    It’s much better today and I’m continuing to baby it, bringing it cups of steaming hot herbal tea, fluffing its pillow and tuning into its favorite programs. I’ve never had a real running injury and I’m not about to start.

  10. Thats why i don’t like treadmill ;-)…

  11. That clip of the bear is priceless. Thanks, Rinus!

  12. That’s one way to get a groin injury. Ouch!

  13. […] The other side of the groin […]

  14. […] quite honestly, I’m disinclined to go back and get the stupid shot. I have run with adductor pain much worse than this (for 10 weeks about two years ago), and as long as I know it’s not harmful to do so, I can […]

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